How To Make Merlyn Cremé Brulée..
5 Free Range Eggs
1 Vanilla Pod
375mls Jersey Double Cream
75mls Merlyn Welsh Cream Liqueur
75g Caster Sugar
- Split vanilla pod in half, Scrape out the seeds and add to your Cream in a medium sized Saucepan. (Add the emptied pods for extra Flavour)
Put on a low heat and slowly bring to the boil.
- Meanwhile add your separated egg yolks to your sugar in a large round mixing bowl and whisk vigorously until combined and slightly pale in colour.
- When cream has boiled, Take off the heat and slowly pour into the egg and sugar mix whisking all of the time until fully combined.
Leave to cool a little then stir in the Merlyn Liqueur.
- Strain the mix through a fine sieve into a jug to remove the Vanilla Pod and divide into 5 ramekins.
Place the filled ramekins a medium deep baking tray and pour boiling water from the kettle into the tray ¾ the way up the sides of the ramekins.
- Cook in a Pre- Heated oven @ 120*C for 30 Minutes, Until set with a little wobble.
Almost jelly like.
- To serve the Merlyn Cremé Brulée, lightly dust the tops with caster and caramelised with in a Blow Torch or a Very Hot Grill.
- When the Caramel top has set serve immediately with white chocolate cookies.
To sample Creme Brulee, visit the Chapel and order it from our menu.